We received an email from our placement agency yesterday that I wanted to share with you all:
"CONGRATS!!! Your dossier was sent this week to Colombia!!!
So, your dossier takes a week to get there, then it takes at least a month to get translated, sometimes longer, depending on the amount of work that the translator has. The translator is officially approved by ICBF. Then your dossier is automatically handed into ICBF and we await approval of your dossier. It takes 3-5 months for approval. Hopefully yours will go more quickly (3 months) as you are asking for older siblings, but again, we have no control over this. We don’t hear anything until the approval process is done and they let us know you are approved and on what date, OR they contact us, asking for more information on your case."
Moving along in the adoption world!!!!! So once all this happens they send our packet or dossier as it is technically called into Region, this could be anywhere in the country where they have a sibling pair age newborn to 7. Once that is done we would then receive our referral. Short time frame is 3-4 months, long time frame year to year and a half. Since we are both young and without any other children we should get preferential but who knows! :)
How exciting! We can't wait!